Friday, March 6, 2009

Life on purpose

In January (somewhere near the middle when I actually got around to it :)) I decided to fill out a goal-planning sheet that I found on Vision 2009. Every month, scheduled into my monthly calendar, I actually REVIEW my vision for the year. Where am I on? What am I missing? What are dreams and ideas that might require nixing? Or more energy to see into fruition? I've actually found it helpful for infusing intentionality into my days... some thing that I often neglect unless I'm - well - intentional - about it! Now, I don't often get to it the first day or two or even week of the month (but hey, if I'm consistent about getting around to things by the mid-way mark, at least it's consistent!!), but I try to set aside some quiet moments, a cup of tea and time to reflect on where I'm pouring the energy into my life. And whether or not it's well-directed. 

This is an experiment for this year :). If it goes well, we may well have Vision 2010! If not - well, you live and learn, I guess!

Some things I still need to practice (or need the reminder to practice!!) - 
 - encouraging my spouse by verbally expressing my gratitude
 - fostering and shaping Little M's unstoppable energy by providing more space and opportunity to (realistically and safely!!) explore her independence (she is now into helping me clear the supper dishes - which is actually very very helpful unless she tries to run with cutlery in her hand - a big no no!)
 - exercising laughter (and some pilates too, I guess) as often as possible.
 - what is skill that you would like to improve this year? Cooking

There is so much more, and to some it would seem overwhelming, but to me, well, I guess I need the extra motivation to keep me moving in the direction I WANT to go rather than where I usually WANDER OFF TO!

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