Sunday, October 17, 2010


Well, as a follow up to my last post :), my friend Chantelle tagged me with these "getting to know you" questions.... 

Here goes :).....

1. What is your favorite memory of your childhood years?
Oh my. Must I pick just one :)? I grew up on a grain farm, in rural Manitoba, with two spunky sisters and a fun kid bro. We got into a lot of mischief, mostly innocent really, and I thank my dear sisters (who are among my closest friends) for teasing me out of my fairly reserved character. They made my growing up that much more fun!!! These days, Little M is asking all about "when you made mischief, mommy..." and I tell her tales of coloring Uncle Mark's hair pink with Kool-aid, getting stuck in mud puddles, having my very own room for the first time (only to share "camp outs"on the floor, with my sisters!!), climbing everything possible (except that I am afraid of heights, which is interesting when you get UP but can't get DOWN!!), and on. We swam in the pond on hot summer days, were always "building" or "crafting" something or other. We went biking all over the country side. We tried sleeping on the roof. In October. I got too cold and chickened out :). We camped all over the yard. Stayed a lot with my Grandma G when my parents were harvesting. We went fishing. And traveling across the United States of America every spring in the Family Mini Van. Life was never dull. And if it was, and you got caught complaining, there were rows of evergreens to hoe, lawns to be mowed, bathrooms to be cleaned and rooms to be dusted!!!

2. What did you want to be when you grew up?
That varied depending on what mood I was in :). As the Big Sister, I was also pretty bossy!! So, for a while I thought I had a calling to teach ;) - not that teachers are bossy (not at all!), but I always played the part of a teacher, and thought it was my destiny.... turns out my calling is NOT teaching :) at all. Because I played piano from a very early age and managed to go quite far, everyone always assumed I'd teach piano lessons one day. Very early I knew this was not my passion, though I enjoy playing and learning piano, but I strongly suspected I would never teach.

I went through a phase where I wanted to be single, sophisticated and carry a brief case. But that went with uncomfortable dress suits and high heels (never a strong point for me!) so that dream came and went. Quickly.
At one point I did want to be a singer. I am NOT a singer either :).

Really, each phase of "what I wanted to be when I grew up" was about helping me define who I was, who I was not, and to dust off the expectations of others and discover the authentic me. I have started a masters degree in counseling, but am not sure if this is where God is calling me to invest my time, energy, finances and my service for Him. That process of discernment will take place over the next few years (with this limited amount of sleep, there's no WAY I'm wasting money on classes I'll never be able to remember!!!!).

3. If you had an evening to yourself with no expectations placed on you, what would you do?
I would probably need two or three evenings, in a row :) --- because the first evening I would rattle around trying to detox from running around all the time!!

 - I'd sit in a quaint coffee shop/book store, with a book -- preferably something funny that would make me burst out laughing from time to time :)
 - I'd watch copious amounts of home improvement shows OR, even better, CRIME DRAMA. I am a sucker for a good episode of Law & Order. I'd make popcorn, twice if I could, drink a special Irish Bailey's on ice, cozy up under my favorite afghan, and ohhhhh enjoy an uninterrupted moment :)!
 - I'd hang out with a friend, again at a cozy coffee shop
 - I'd go shopping. All day :). And not feel guilty about spending money. ;)
 - I'd S.L.E.E.P. Then go for a massage, and then come home and sleep S.O.M.E. M.O.R.E.

Okay. I'd better stop. I probably won't get an evening like this for a while and this is making me antsy!!!

4. What would you like to learn to do sometime in this life?
 - Play the violin.

 - Build something. Properly. 
 - Bake buns the way my MOM does :)

5. Last book you read? Favorite book?
Last book: Water For Elephants

Favorite book: There are literally too many to name. Usually when I am reading a book that is speaking to me on several different levels - spiritually, intellectually, creatively, etc. - and changes my perspective on life --- that becomes my favorite book for the next while :). Not sure what the last one was, since my memory is fuzzy these days!!!
6. Would people describe you as a "girly-girl" or more of a "tom-boy"?
Well, I'm not a "tom boy," but certainly not "girly" either. I am "low maintenance." Sort of!

7. Favorite beverage?
Coffee. coffee. coffee. coffee.
8. Childhood nickname? Current nickname?
I'm not sure if I have a nickname right now. I have one for myself (that's kinda strange!). When I do something REALLY intelligent (I'm being sarcastic here!), I say "way to go, Gerbrant." That's my maiden name. Not sure why I started, but it's kinda stuck.

My dad started calling me Peaches in Grade 8 as a joke in Sunday School. It stuck too :).

Wow. That's a lot about me. Now, apparently I get to tag a few more people with my own questions...
     My sweet neighbor, Ruth
     A friend from one street over :), Svea
     We giggled through college classes together, as GROWN UPS!!! Josie

1. What has been a life defining moment?
2. Who has totally impacted you and why?
3. Are you more about sunrises or sunsets :)?
4. What's your favorite way to relax?
5. What's one area of struggle where you've experienced victory?
6. Did you have a favorite stuffed animal or special blanky :)?
7. If you could vacation anywhere, where would it be?
8. What is one of your favorite recipes?


Chantelle - ThousandSquareFeet said...

Hey, thanks for joining in on the fun! I loved learning more about you!

Roo said...

i'm IT!!!! ahhh!!!... loved reading your answers...xo

a very sweet life! said...

Can't wait to read YOUR answers, roo :)


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