Tiny L joined our family one and a half weeks ago. Time has passed in a blur (thank you sleep deprivation!!) and yet, in some ways, it feels like she's always been a part of our clan.
God's timing....
On Friday, June 11, I was beyond ready!! At the advice of my midwife, I took castor oil (I mixed it with pepsi, an idea passed along by a friend; BAD IDEA!!!!!) at 1:15. Totally anti-climatic. So disgusting with no results!! Sigh. In hindsight, I am glad labor did not begin until a bit later! At 5:30 I called my midwife, "not even a twinge," I remarked with a sigh of disappointment. She suggested I try again, if I could tolerate the wretched taste ;). If that didn't work, wait until Sunday and try again.
Okey dokey.
This time I mixed a "cocktail" - oj, ice, pb, and of course, castor oil. Gave it a whirl in the Magic Bullet. Oh Y.U.M. I shudder still. Within 1/2 an hour, things were under way. Jon was home. My parents, who were in town for the local fair, just happened to stop by (dad had a hunch and so they popped in to see how things were going). Perfect timing all around. The kids were well cared for. Jon & I could finish packing in a calm manner and off we went. We arrived at the hospital at 8:15pm and by 11:22pm Tiny L made her way into the world.
Totally intense. Totally overwhelming. Totally perfect.
In the days (and nights!) since, we've been working towards finding a rhythm of life once again. That'll take a while, but slowly we're getting there. Tiny L's big sisters are completely in love with her. Little M commented "Mom, she's cuter than a PUPPY!!" Yes, yes she is :).
Transitions are always a bit overwhelming for me. Simple things feel like gigantic tasks, and it feels like beds will be rumpled, floors will feel crunchy and dishes stacked forever. I know this is not the case, but it always starts off a bit ... daunting.
Probably the biggest adjustment has been the introduction to breast feeding. For a variety of reasons, I was unable to BF the first two girls, but I wanted to try one more time. It has been .... painfully interesting!!! .... but we're getting there. I think ;). Can't say I love LOVE it yet. But maybe one day, or so they tell me :).....
A glimpse into the past 10 days....
Little M pretending to be eaten alive by the couch --- Tiny L's first bath!!