Sunday, January 4, 2009

Say it ain't so.

One of the joys - and .... challenges :) - of living with a chatter box is the unending amazement at what little M will say next. Really. Some of the things that come out of that little person truly astound me. They make my laugh; they make me think.

This Hallowe'en, we had the opportunity to have "Walter the Jack-O-Lantern" sitting on our table. With Oct. 31 come and gone, it was time to move an old and somewhat moldy Walter to his new and rightful home - the garage. Little M was dismayed with this, but after showing her his lovely green-and-black-collage insides, she agreed - it was time for ole Wally to go. Fast forward. We are sitting at the table, enjoying our gals-only lunchtime banter. I made some unusual sound (which, for me, is not often so unusual :P), and Little M asked me what was wrong. Uh - I say - I am getting old. In her sweet 2.75 year old way, she asked, in all seriousness -are you going to get moldy too? Arrrgh.

One day, wilst sitting at the aforementioned lunch table, Sweet K was giving her mama a hard time over her lunchtime menu. Little M asks what is wrong. Your sister - I say - is not cooperating. To which she replies - Why am I not surprised. !!!

On a less-than-stellar day - and I have those more often than I care to admit - I was showing my frustration over some of Little M's theatrical antics. She was lying on the floor, on the narrow path between the kitchen and the dining room table. Mommy, are you mad. No. Are you sad? NO. Are you happy with K? Yes. But are you frustrated with meeeeee? Not anymore :).

Mommy, are you talking to me or to yourself? Funny thing - I was talking to myself!

After a long day, I actually made it to the TV. Hey - when that's all the way downstairs, and you're not even sure there's anything good on (we're the only people probably left in North America that don't subscribe to cable OR satellite, but we honestly don't feel like we're deprived!!) - that can feel like an accomplishment. It had been alllll quiet when I left upstairs, but when I turned on the monitor, I could here Little M quietly singing to herself - A waaaay in a maaanger noooo crib for a bed. The little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet heeeeead..." I tell ya, the sweet singing of a toddler can cure just about anything!

Little M's feisty spirit gets her into trouble sometimes. Especially these days, when we're focusing on kindness towards others (especially mommy!) and sharing (especially with sister!). But I love her vim and vigor. It challenges me, teaches me, humbles me. Every day is a day of learning!

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