Thursday, May 7, 2009


Since it was bath day ANYWAY, I thought to myself, why not paint the kids feet and make a craft :)?

Sounded like a great idea to them too, so this is what we created for Mothers Day...

We started off with some WASHABLE acrylic paint.

And then INTO THE PAINT went the feet. That part was so much fun. 
In a messy kinda way!

Then we made little feetie-print butterflies

After the paint dried, we added the final touches of course ... 
a body, antennae and googley eyes just for fun!

Then, in a flash of inspiration, I also hot glued magnets to the back so that our darling Grandmas have no excuse for misplacing these funky little flutters :).

And VOILA! Great Mothers Day cards for Grandma. Isn't that a fantastic way to kick off a rainy Thursday morning!? I thought so too!

Alas, one MUST give credit where credit is due. I got this idea from Just For Fun.


Roo said...

thats the best!

Robin Fehr said...

Great job! I'm sure the girls had a lot of fun!

~Noreen said...

SO clever! Looks like tons fo fun!


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