Saturday, June 6, 2009

The gift of T.I.M.E.

My head and heart are so full with the gifts I've been given this weekend. And it's only Saturday morning!! With the dark discouragement that settles in with sleep deprivation, this is the perfect timing....

Time. I was given the gift of time.

Through a series of random (or not) events, with circumstances that seemed to be a win-win situation all the way around, my mother-in-law came to care for the girls on short notice - she loved the activity and company, it gave J a few extra hours to finish some work, and I could escape to the city a little earlier than planned. As a SAHM (who loves her vocation, by the way!), unhurried and uninterrupted time is a g.i.f.t. Time to think. Time to browse. Time to sing as loud as I want in the car without any comments from the "peanut gallery." :) Time to pray. This was a glorious gift.

I was also given the gift of time to connect with a long-lost friend. Not that we, ourselves, had an ill-parting, but life and misunderstanding and situations beyond us had led to disconnection. Throughout an emotional conversation, we laughed and cried, and drank copious amounts of tea :P. My heart aches over the journey, and yet as I listen and ponder, I am challenged in my own thoughts and behaviors - why do I choose assumption over connection; criticism and distance over connection and understanding? Is it pride? Fear? Uncertainty? Unawareness? 

These are important questions, and I reflect on them often. Why do I do the things I do - is this the best "me" I can be? Or is there a more loving, spirit-filled, life-giving response to the things I see? 

Bridges of understanding and care are beginning to be built over gaps that once existed. It is a beautiful, challenging, learning thing. And though we grieve over the time lost, I am excited about this present connection, of getting acquainted with each other's children, of sharing this gift of T.I.M.E. For our time, attentively, authentically, humorously, in the moment, is one of the best gifts we can give.

AND - oh yes - another fantastic gift I was given also given -- LOVELY ornamental grass which I simply CANNOT WAIT to add to my front flower bed collection; given by a good friend, from her garden to mine! 

It's only Saturday morning, and the weekend is full of promising possibilities. 
I am blessed indeed.

1 comment:

michelle said...

Isn't it "funny" how we go along being the best person we think we can be and then when we are blessed with the time to slow down and reflect we think maybe, just maybe we could be even better? I think this is why life is a journey, it gives us many chances to change and to if I can just give myself some more time to reflect regularly!

I am glad you had a super stupendous day!


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